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Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH)

Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) is the holding company for a group of companies which are principally engaged in electricity generation, supply and transmission, natural gas transmission, supply and storage and coal mining. BEH Group holds a leading position in the electricity and gas market in Bulgaria and, through electricity exports, in the Balkans. BEH is wholly owned by the Bulgarian state and is the largest state-owned company in terms of total assets in the country. The rights of ownership of the state are exercised by the Minister of Energy.


The Enproexchange team has proven itself for many years working at the Bulgarian Energy and Mining Forum Distinguished for their high professionalism, years of successful experience and established national and international reputation, the chairman of the Bulgarian Energy and Mining Forum Dr. Ivan Hinovski and his team of energy experts has earned recognition for their clear and critical opinion about the need for a long-term vision for development of the Bulgarian Energy Sector, respectively of the national economy.

BayWa r.e. Solar Systems

GoodWe is a world-leading PV inverter and energy storage solutions manufacturer and is listed as a public limited company on the Shanghai Stock Exchange (Stock Code: 688390).
GoodWe offers a comprehensive portfolio of products and solutions for residential, commercial, and utility scale PV systems from 0.7kW to 350kW, ensuring that performance and quality go hand-in-hand across the entire range.
GoodWe has set up an integrated service system and has established service centers worldwide, aiming to offer global support to all customers including project consulting, technical training, on-site support, and after-sale service.
We are committed to the digitalization and smart transformation of all powerplants. In line with this, we provide complete, integrated solutions for the future of smart energy by creating software and hardware products that allow for smarter and more efficient energy systems, while also building communities in sustainable energy.

GoodWe in numbers:
   • +4.600 total number of employees worldwide
   • +1.000 R&D Staff
   • +52 GW global installations

GoodWe Distinctions:
   • World’s Top 3 Storage Inverter by Wood Machenzie in 2022.
   • The most Financially Stable Inverter Company in 2021, by BloombergNEF.
   • The Sole Inverter Brand to have won the Award ‘All Quality Matters’ from TUV Rheinland for 7 Consecutive Years.
   • Awarded the EcoVadis Silver Medal in 2022 for achieving exceptional sustainability ratings.

Complete solar solutions provider – the GoodWe product family:

EcoSmart Home: GoodWe EcoSmart Home is a range of smart solar-based technologies that meet your home's unique power needs in an eco-friendly, sustainable way. When it comes to residential solutions featuring superior safety and easy installation, GoodWe is the ideal choice for homeowners to going solar. Enjoy your unparalleled experience of green energy, optimal solar energy usage, reduced electricity bills and much more.

EcoSmart Commercial: GoodWe EcoSmart Commercial offers a variety of energy storage solutions for C&I applications. We help you effectively manage your energy use, reduce energy costs, and ensure reliable power supply for your business. GoodWe provides commercial and industrial energy solutions for EPCs, developers, and owner-operators with unrivalled technical expertise and optimized design. We help you drive new revenue streams.

Energy Storage Solutions: Exploring and utilizing smart technologies and advanced expertise, Goodwe is relentless about offering users residential & small C&I storage solutions to protect users from rising electricity costs. We strive to create reliable solutions for users to maximize self-consumption, ensure power safety during an outage, take smart control of home power management, and realize energy independence.

Utility Large Scale PV Solutions: The innovative offerings of GoodWe not only provide smart utility solutions for customers to utilize the resources for centralized PV power plants but also deliver higher power gains and lower LCOE through our innovative technologies.

GoodWe’s vision for 'driving the world's smart energy future' encompasses our clear mission to continue as a major driving force in the global energy transition, building a sustainable future for the generations to come.


GoodWe is a world-leading PV inverter and energy storage solutions manufacturer and is listed as a public limited company on the Shanghai Stock Exchange (Stock Code: 688390).
GoodWe offers a comprehensive portfolio of products and solutions for residential, commercial, and utility scale PV systems from 0.7kW to 350kW, ensuring that performance and quality go hand-in-hand across the entire range.
GoodWe has set up an integrated service system and has established service centers worldwide, aiming to offer global support to all customers including project consulting, technical training, on-site support, and after-sale service.
We are committed to the digitalization and smart transformation of all powerplants. In line with this, we provide complete, integrated solutions for the future of smart energy by creating software and hardware products that allow for smarter and more efficient energy systems, while also building communities in sustainable energy.

GoodWe in numbers:
   • +4.600 total number of employees worldwide
   • +1.000 R&D Staff
   • +52 GW global installations

GoodWe Distinctions:
   • World’s Top 3 Storage Inverter by Wood Machenzie in 2022.
   • The most Financially Stable Inverter Company in 2021, by BloombergNEF.
   • The Sole Inverter Brand to have won the Award ‘All Quality Matters’ from TUV Rheinland for 7 Consecutive Years.
   • Awarded the EcoVadis Silver Medal in 2022 for achieving exceptional sustainability ratings.

Complete solar solutions provider – the GoodWe product family:

EcoSmart Home: GoodWe EcoSmart Home is a range of smart solar-based technologies that meet your home's unique power needs in an eco-friendly, sustainable way. When it comes to residential solutions featuring superior safety and easy installation, GoodWe is the ideal choice for homeowners to going solar. Enjoy your unparalleled experience of green energy, optimal solar energy usage, reduced electricity bills and much more.

EcoSmart Commercial: GoodWe EcoSmart Commercial offers a variety of energy storage solutions for C&I applications. We help you effectively manage your energy use, reduce energy costs, and ensure reliable power supply for your business. GoodWe provides commercial and industrial energy solutions for EPCs, developers, and owner-operators with unrivalled technical expertise and optimized design. We help you drive new revenue streams.

Energy Storage Solutions: Exploring and utilizing smart technologies and advanced expertise, Goodwe is relentless about offering users residential & small C&I storage solutions to protect users from rising electricity costs. We strive to create reliable solutions for users to maximize self-consumption, ensure power safety during an outage, take smart control of home power management, and realize energy independence.

Utility Large Scale PV Solutions: The innovative offerings of GoodWe not only provide smart utility solutions for customers to utilize the resources for centralized PV power plants but also deliver higher power gains and lower LCOE through our innovative technologies.

GoodWe’s vision for 'driving the world's smart energy future' encompasses our clear mission to continue as a major driving force in the global energy transition, building a sustainable future for the generations to come.

ENERGIA Magazine

ENERGIA - Magazine for Equipment, Technologies and Engineering is specialized technical publication. It covers news and information about energy sector, energy efficiency, renewable energy, installations, engineering applications, energy audits, services and maintenance.

Chamber of energy communities in Bulgaria

Камарата на енергийните общности в България (КЕОБ) е независимо и демократично сдружение на енергийни общности (ЕО) – юридически лица по смисъла на Закона за кооперациите, на Търговския закон, на специален или друг закон, чиято изключителна цел е да насърчават и да развиват различни форми на социалната и на солидарната икономика на регионално, местно ниво и на ниво отделен квартал и отделна сграда, да прилагат и развиват иновациите и умните мрежови технологии за управление в енергийния сектор и в сектора на интелигентните сгради и енергийните острови, за да решават проблеми, свързани с енергийната бедност и за да повишават енергийната независимост, устойчивост и самодостатъчност на националния сграден фонд и индустриалния сектор.

Interreg Danube Transnational Programme

Interreg Europe is an interregional cooperation programme, co-funded by the European Union. The European Union strives to reduce disparities in the levels of development, growth and quality of life in and across Europe’s regions. Our programme contributes to this objective and runs from 2021 to 2027.

Media is an online media product of Public Services Ltd. The company was founded in January 2010 with the mission to develop knowledge in the field of energy, public services and utilities. The team of Public Services has worked on numerous projects and products in diverse sectors of public services.

Bulgarian national radio

Българското национално радио (БНР), срещано и като Радио София, е национален автономен информационен и културен институт според Закона за радиото и телевизията, обнародван на 10 септември 1996 г. БНР е една от двете държавни обществени медии в България, заедно с Българската национална телевизия.

Energetica Magazine

Specialized edition of ESO EAD.

ENERGIA Magazine

ENERGIA - Magazine for Equipment, Technologies and Engineering is specialized technical publication. It covers news and information about energy sector, energy efficiency, renewable energy, installations, engineering applications, energy audits, services and maintenance.

Energy, Ecology and Economy

3e News is an independent online platform with national coverage

A daily media for the publication of information materials, analyzes and commercial announcements in the field of economy, energy, ecology and new technologies. Our goal is to provide objective information about what is happening in Bulgaria, Europe and the world, as well as how the events can reflect on people and the economy.

For events


Association “Women in nuclear – Bulgaria”

Voluntary, professional, and creative organization uniting women working or having interests in the field of education, science, technology, and practice of nuclear energy application and radiation for peaceful purposes implementation.

The association “Women in nuclear – Bulgaria” is part of WiN Global and WiN Europe.


Postbank, legally named Eurobank Bulgaria AD, is the fourth biggest bank in Bulgaria in terms of assets, having a broad branch network across the country and a considerable client base of individuals, companies and institutions.

In June 2022, Bulgarian Credit Rating Agency (BCRA) confirmed Postbank’s BBB long-term rating, with stable outlook. In September 2024 Postbank was awarded a Baa1 long-term deposit rating with a stable outlook by the international rating agency Moody's Investors Service.

Siemens Energy

We are Siemens Energy – a global leader in energy technology

Energy transition is the greatest challenge our generation faces. How do we reduce emissions while also increase energy supply? It is an uphill battle. And there is no silver bullet. But finding solutions has always been in our DNA. For more than 150 years our engineers have been spearheading the electrification of the world. Today we are a team of 98.000 sharing the same passion, vision and values. Our diversity makes us strong and helps us to find answers together with our partners.


We envision a future where nuclear energy plays a critical role in meeting the world’s energy needs while contributing to the global effort to address climate change and promote sustainable development.

By leveraging our expertise, technology, and partnerships, we strive to positively impact society and the environment and be a trusted partner.


Асоциацията е учредена в края на 1998 година и е регистрирана в началото на 1999 г. под името Българска национална асоциация на потребителите. От началото на 2010 година след присъединяването към БНАП на сдружение АКТИВНИ ПОТРЕБИТЕЛИ, наименованието на асоциацията придобива името Българска национална асоциация АКТИВНИ ПОТРЕБИТЕЛИ. По често се използва само краткото наименование АКТИВНИ ПОТРЕБИТЕЛИ.


The State Energy Regulatory Commission was established with a Decree of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Bulgaria No 181 of 10 Sep 1999, based on art.11, para.2 of the Energy and Energy Efficiency Act (EEFA). The Energy Act (promulgated in SG, issue 107 of 9 Dec 2003) was amended by the Regulation of Water Supply and Sewerage Services Act (promulgated in SG, issue 18 of 22 Feb 2005, RWSSA) and the Commission was transformed into State Energy and Water Regulatory Commission. By the Amendment and supplement Act of the EA (prom. SG. 17 of 6 March 2015), the Commission was transformed into Energy and Water Regulatory Commission.


Since 2006 EnergoService maintains the world largest and most complex Computer Information and Control System “Ovation®” ever installed as well as the Radiation Monitoring Systems on Unit 5 and Unit 6 Ventilation Stack 1 and Ventilation Stack 2 and Auxiliary Building Ventilation Stack in Kozloduy NPP.

Kozloduy NPP

Kozloduy NPP plc is the only nuclear power plant in Bulgaria and the main electricity generating plant providing more than one third of the total annual electricity output of the country. This determines the significant position the company holds - being a factor of economic sustainability both nationally and regionally. Kozloduy NPP generates the cheapest electricity in the country, thus ensuring and maintaining affordable price of electricity for Bulgarian end-consumers.


Energy Management Institute (EMI) is an NGO that started its operation in June 2010. Its mission is to contribute to the sustainable development of the Bulgarian energy sector and its integration to the European Union through Engagement, Mediation, Insights. It aims to improve of the international cooperation in order to utilize international experience and to implement in Bulgaria worldwide established best practices.


ENPRO CONSULT Ltd is one of the leading engineering companies in Bulgaria with extensive experience in the industrial technologies. The company was  established in 1998. During the years, ENPRO CONSULT has gained a high reputation and its services are an example of competence, reliability and quality in the field of the energy technologies, design and studies.


BULGARIAN ENERGY & MINING FORUM ® is a non-governmental organization members of legal and physical persons with experience and attitude to the problems of the development of the energy sector both nationally and internationally. The Association is a forum for the broad public basis with the participation of producers and consumers of electricity, the academic and scientific community, environmental and other non-governmental organizations, experts and professionals from various government departments and institutions, private and public companies from the industry, associations of capital, industry and trade union organisations, representatives of the media and creative unions.

“ОЕТ – United Energy Traders” LTD

“ОЕТ – United Energy Traders” LTD is 100% private capital Bulgarian company that develops activity in the field of Energetics. The company entered the Bulgarian energy market in 2006 as a licensed trader of energy, holding a License № Л-220-15/22.12.2006, issued by the State Comitee for Energy and Water Regulatory (DKEVR).

UniCredit Bulbank

UniCredit Bulbank is the biggest Bulgarian bank in terms of assets, exceeding BGN 13.9 billion as of September 2014. The Bank is servicing over one million individual clients and households, high profile private customers, small and mid sized businesses, larger domestic and multinational corporates, municipalities and budget enterprises.

Energy Insurance company Ltd.

ЗАД "Енергия" е учредено през 1993 г. от "Национална електрическа компания" ЕАД и "България Холдинг" АД.
С разрешение № 20/16.07.1998 г. ЗАД "Енергия" получи лиценз за извършване на застрахователна дейност от Националния съвет по застраховане към Министрески съвет.

EVN Bulgaria

We are part of the large family of an Austrian group of companies called EVN. We distinguish ourselves by constantly striving for quality, modernisation and reaching world class standards both in the energy industry and in the field of sustainable development.

DSK Bank

DSK Bank was established in 1951 as a state savings institution – the only deposit and credit institution in the country at that time. With the adoption of the Law on DSK Reformation dated April 15, 1998, DSK was transformed into a commercial bank.

Global Wind Power

Global Wind Power is a leading international project developer specialising in developing, implementing, selling and managing wind turbine projects for professional investment. The wind turbine projects are sold to a range of international customers: Industrial, institutional and private.

British Embassy Sofia

We develop and maintain relations between the United Kingdom and Bulgaria.

We work on a wide range of issues including the economy, energy policy, justice and home affairs and international security.


Chevron is one of the world's leading integrated energy companies. Our success is driven by our people and their commitment to get results the right way—by operating responsibly, executing with excellence, applying innovative technologies and capturing new opportunities for profitable growth. We are involved in virtually every facet of the energy industry. We explore for, produce and transport crude oil and natural gas; refine, market and distribute transportation fuels and lubricants; manufacture and sell petrochemical products; generate power and produce geothermal energy; invest in profitable renewable energy and energy efficiency solutions; and develop the energy resources of the future, including researching advanced biofuels.

Contour Global

We are a developer and operator of electric power and district heating businesses. We manage, own and operate an existing portfolio of 41 power plants with approximately 3,718 megawatts (“MW”) of installed gross capacity in operation or under construction, which makes up our total installed gross portfolio capacity. Our current portfolio spans 17 countries and 4 continents with a weighted average sovereign rating of BBB (weighted by capacity), utilizing a wide range of fuel types, technology and equipment. Of the 41 power plants in our current portfolio, 36 are currently operating with a combined installed gross capacity of approximately 3,145 MW, which represents approximately 84.6% of our portfolio capacity (our portfolio capacity consists of our operating assets and projects under construction that currently do not generate energy).   In addition to our operating assets, we also have six projects under construction with a total gross capacity of approximately 573 MW, which comprises the remaining 15.4% of our current portfolio capacity.

Stanilov Ltd

Stanilov Ltd is a private construction organization, established in 1995 and working mainly in hydro-technical and hydropower construction, in the construction of infrastructure, industrial and civil objects.


DPM is a Canadian-based, international mining company engaged in the acquisition, exploration, development and mining and processing of precious metal properties.


Petroceltic is an international oil and gas exploration, development and production company.

PVB Power Bulgaria

PVB Power Bulgaria operates in Bulgaria and, in partnership with local public bodes, constructs plants for the production of renewable energy, using advanced technology and with total respect for the environment.

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10-11 APRIL 2025